

This is a Public Service Announcement:

If you're still on dial-up for your internet connection, pay your damn phone bill.

This is another Public Service announcement:

If you're still on dial-up for your internet connection, and you're paying your phone bill, go ahead and pay over the phone. Most of them now take checks and debit cards for payments, and instead of waiting for your payment to clear or just plain arrive at the main office, it's done instantly.

This is yet another Public Service Announcement:

If you're still on dial-up, and you're paying your phone bill, and you're paying with your checking account or debit card, when the phone company says your service will be turned back on in 24 hours, that's a generality. What they really mean is, "Your phone service will be turned on when we can spare the time to get someone to flip the switch to your number."

Amazing how when they send you your warning, "Your service will be interrupted any time after 9.00 a.m. Tuesday," they'll slam down your service faster than fresh shrimp at an all-you-can-eat buffet. But once they have your payment in their grubby little paws, they lose the post-it note as soon as they stick to their computer monitor.

And who says deregulation is a bad thing?

Doc "One Ringy-Dingy" Absurd



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